James II’s attempt to turn Magdalen College Roman Catholic
James, P. D. The Lighthouse (Signed; First American Edition). New York: 2005.
Karraker, Cyrus H. Piracy was a Business. 1953 First Edition.
Kentucky General Assembly Acts from 1817-1818
Kinnison, William A. An American Seminary: A History of Hamma School of Theology. Synod of Ohio, Lutheran Church of America, Columbus, OH, 1980. Limited Edition. Signed by Author.
Lawson, Eddie and Donahue Bible. Tighten Your Girth Slacken Your Rein (2005)
Loyal Publication Society, No. 20: Military Despotism! Suspension of the Habeas Corpus! New York, 1863.
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Masha (Illustrator). Three Little Kittens (Little Golden Book #1, 5th Printing in Dust Jacket)
Maynard's Eggs of North American Birds with beautiful hand colored plates
Mayne’s 1662 Sermon for the end of Oxford’s Term
McDowall’s Discourses – Sermons by Pioneering Canadian Reformed Missionary and Pastor
McNeer, May. The California Gold Rush (Landmark Book #6; 5th Printing). New York: 1950.
Mitchill, Samuel L.; Miller, Edward & Smith, Elihu H. The Medical Repository, Vol. II (nos. I-IV), Second Edition (1800)
Pease, Theodore Calvin. The Leveller Movement: A Study in the History and Political Theory of the English Civil War. 1916 First Edition.
Porrée, Jonas & Jurieu, Pierre. Histoire des cérémonies et des superstitions qui se sont introduites dans l'Église & Préservatif contre le changement de Religion. (Amsterdam, 1717)
Randolph, John. Marsmen in Burma (Signed Limited Ed.) Houston, TX: 1946.
Reck, W. Emerson. A. Lincoln: His Last 24 Hours. (Signed First Edition, 1987).
Roberts, Kenneth. Black Magic (Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1924. First Edition)
Roberts, Kenneth. Why Europe Leaves Home. Indianapolis, IN: 1922. (Signed First Edition)
Robin Hood's garland. Being a compleat history of all the notable and merry exploits perform'd by him and his men ...
Rogers’ 1625 Defense of the Church of England
Sadler’s Seminal work on Separation of Powers and Philosemitism
Samuel Sewall’s Millennialist Vision of America