Bang’s History of the Methodist Episcopal Church – Matched set of the 1845 Third Edition
Burder, Samuel: Defodau Dwyreiniol Yn Cael Eu Cymmwyso Er Egluro Yr Ysgrythyrau Santaidd [Welsh]. (1848)
Cass, Lewis. "Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting Reports of Col. Kearney and Major Maurice, of surveys of harbors on Lake Erie." Washington, DC, 1834.
Davis, J[onathan]. History of the Welsh Baptists, from the year Sixty-Three to the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy. (First Edition, 1835)
Horne, Melville. Letters of Missions - Early American Edition with contemporary description of Adoniram Judson's work in Burma
Kentucky General Assembly Acts from 1817-1818
Mitchill, Samuel L.; Miller, Edward & Smith, Elihu H. The Medical Repository, Vol. II (nos. I-IV), Second Edition (1800)
Sewell, William. The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers (Vol. II only) (1832)
Tocqueville’s Democracy in America – First Part in the second French Edition