Bayne's Notes on Scottish Criminal and Municipal Law
Booth, Abraham. The Death of Legal Hope. Key work on the Law and Grace by English Baptist.
Brydall's 1680 Jura Coronae: His Majesties Royal Rights and Prerogatives Asserted
Bunyan’s Autobiography, Grace Abounding – 1798 Provincial Printing
Bunyan’s Last Work –Solomon’s Temple Spiritualized – 1786 Edinburgh Printing with large fold-out Plate
Chauncy, Maurice & Arnold Havens. Commentariolus de Vitae Ratuion et Martyrio Octodecim Cartusianorum [bound with] Historica Relatio Duodecim Martyrum Cartusianorum. Ghent: Gualterus Manilius, 1608.
Confucius. La Morale de Confucius, Philosophe de La Chine (First introduction to Confucius in French) Amsterdam: 1688.
de Moulin, the Younger. Two Devotional Works in 1680 early Dutch reprint.
Defoe, Daniel. A trumpet blown in the north, and sounded in the ears of John Eriskine ... ([London], 1716. First Edition).
Doddridge’s Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul – 1749 First American Printing
Hamilton, David. A Treatise of a Miliary Fever (London, 1737)
Home, Henry (Lord Kames). Historical Law-Tracts. Edinburgh, 1761. Second Edition.
Howell, James. Instructions and Directions for Forren Travell ... (Second Ed.) - First English continental handbook for travelers
James II’s attempt to turn Magdalen College Roman Catholic
Mayne’s 1662 Sermon for the end of Oxford’s Term
McDowall’s Discourses – Sermons by Pioneering Canadian Reformed Missionary and Pastor
Porrée, Jonas & Jurieu, Pierre. Histoire des cérémonies et des superstitions qui se sont introduites dans l'Église & Préservatif contre le changement de Religion. (Amsterdam, 1717)
Robin Hood's garland. Being a compleat history of all the notable and merry exploits perform'd by him and his men ...
Rogers’ 1625 Defense of the Church of England
Sadler’s Seminal work on Separation of Powers and Philosemitism
Samuel Sewall’s Millennialist Vision of America
Tocqueville’s Democracy in America – First Part in the second French Edition
Watts, Isaac. The Improvement of the Mind: or a Supplement to the Art of Logic. In Two Parts. To which is added, A Discourse on the Education of Children and Youth. (Exeter, New Hampshire, 1793.)
Watts, Isaac. The Improvement of the Mind: or, a Supplement to the Art of Logic (1743 Second Edition).